
My heart slept over your heart last night

Para Aixa

My heart slept over your heart last night.

“Such confusion!” some might say.

“Two hearts against each other!”



But my heart had no hurries

and its strength was but the whisper of yours.

One beat.

One pace.

One for each other.

One flesh.

One heart, as God is One,

beating out of two souls.


I am rich

I am rich.

Like the sun

who has so much and freely gives.

I am rich.

Like a lily

that blossoms its soul for all to see.

I am rich.

Like the water

that brought me to You.

I am rich.

Like the air

that lifts me up when I’m asleep.

I am rich.

Like little words a child can read.

I am rich.

Like your smile,

a piece of heaven.

I am rich.

Like the kisses

of children given me.

I am rich.

Like the stars that make a moonless night.

I am rich.

Like a playground in summertime.

I am rich.

Like a small house that’s a big home.

I am rich…

…because You dwell in me.


El hombre rico

Para Lorenzo Julián
El hombre rico, que se sentía algo pobre,
le envió una sonrisa a su hijo menor,
un delicioso travieso de año y medio.

Recibió un millón de vuelta
y fue aún más rico.

The rich man
For Lorenzo Julián

The rich man, feeling a little poor,
sent a smile to his youngest son,
a year and a half old delicious rascal.

He got a million back
and was all the richer.