

Hoy derramé lágrimas

no de dolor ni pena.

Fueron pesadas y lentas.

Llenaron mis ojos para luego abandonarlos

recorriendo mis mejillas hacia el sur

para encontrarse con una sonrisa

nacida en un corazón conmovido.

Hoy derramé lágrimas

que surcaban la fértil tierra

de mi rostro sediento.

Lo acariciaron, le devolvieron su aliento.

Terminaron acurrucadas en los brazos de mi alma.

Y florecieron en mi pecho.

No one

The challenge before me,

To speak or not to speak?

For if I speak I assert my being,

I claim my territory

And sneer at the non-beings.

Cogito ergo sum!

Now, is that really of my being the total sum?

My thoughts translated into words?

If I speak, yes, it’s true.


Yet, I can’t vouch for others hearing.

For hearing is not proof of being,

But action.

And silence in this noisy world of ours

Is solemn action.

Therefore to not speak shall be my plight,

To not have a name or face my cross,

To move and incarnate the Truth my sword.

Faceless, nameless...

No one.