Dream #1: The Lion
There I was, standing next to some tall fence somewhere (my best guess is Africa) when all of a sudden I hear a commotion behind me. I turn around and see people jumping the fence one by one to safety at the other side. A lion was coming fast and furious, huge and frightening, looking for a free lunch. No one was willing to oblige, hence all the fence jumping.
The mighty beast was approaching scary fast. It was my time to jump the fence lest I wanted to be a free lunch myself, but I am tying my shoes because I didn't get the memo that it's ok to jump a fence with your shoes untied, especially when a lion is charging at you with not so good intentions. I don't remember if I finished tying my shoes, but I stand up and don't jump the fence. I remember not being scared (funny thing to remember in a dream). The lion is upon me know, but for some dreamlike reason decides to run past me. Then, I jump the fence! The lion jumps on the next guy after me, literally standing on its two hind legs and overtaking him, but the man doesn't fall. He seems to be some kind of lion whisperer because instead of killing him the lion starts playing with him. And then someone from somewhere throws an arrow at the back of the lion that pierces it's heart. The lion dies instantly. The end of dream #1.
There I was, standing next to some tall fence somewhere (my best guess is Africa) when all of a sudden I hear a commotion behind me. I turn around and see people jumping the fence one by one to safety at the other side. A lion was coming fast and furious, huge and frightening, looking for a free lunch. No one was willing to oblige, hence all the fence jumping.
The mighty beast was approaching scary fast. It was my time to jump the fence lest I wanted to be a free lunch myself, but I am tying my shoes because I didn't get the memo that it's ok to jump a fence with your shoes untied, especially when a lion is charging at you with not so good intentions. I don't remember if I finished tying my shoes, but I stand up and don't jump the fence. I remember not being scared (funny thing to remember in a dream). The lion is upon me know, but for some dreamlike reason decides to run past me. Then, I jump the fence! The lion jumps on the next guy after me, literally standing on its two hind legs and overtaking him, but the man doesn't fall. He seems to be some kind of lion whisperer because instead of killing him the lion starts playing with him. And then someone from somewhere throws an arrow at the back of the lion that pierces it's heart. The lion dies instantly. The end of dream #1.
Dream #2: The Tablet
There were many college students, more than i can count. I don't know where it was, but I like to think it was my alma mater, the University of Puerto Rico. It sure seemed like it. I have a faint memory of this dream happening at dusk, there was not a lot of light outside and there were a lot of trees. The buildings looked like the UPR's. I'm not sure what the occasion was either. A student rally or a strike or a convention? I don't know, but students were everywhere.
All of a sudden, a student needs to take notes, but like many a student I've seen in the past, this cat wasn't ready to take notes. Luckily for him, there I was tablet in backpack so I decided to lend my precious to him. Apparently, I was among them students but not of them. I move on and eventually forget the transaction.
But not for long. Have I left the students' meeting and gone home? Can't tell, but I'm now fully aware that I'm tabletless. And I also realize that retrieving my tablet would be like finding a needle in a haystack. I'm sweating. I'm nervous. I can't sleep. Wait a minute, I'm dreaming. I'm actually asleep. Nevermind. Let's just keep that between us. I begin to rack my brain to try to come up with some crafty way to recover my precious when all of a sudden it dawns on me that all I have to do is to go on www.findmytablet.com! And when I do I find my tablet! Just like that! The end of dream #2.
I've been trying to make sense of these two dreams ever since they occurred and so far all I've come up with is that while they're two very different dreams, I'm being confronted with one and the same problem. Although if I were to think of these dreams as two different problems, honestly, I'd think that losing my tablet was the worse of the two! What have I become! Lord, have mercy!
All of a sudden, a student needs to take notes, but like many a student I've seen in the past, this cat wasn't ready to take notes. Luckily for him, there I was tablet in backpack so I decided to lend my precious to him. Apparently, I was among them students but not of them. I move on and eventually forget the transaction.
But not for long. Have I left the students' meeting and gone home? Can't tell, but I'm now fully aware that I'm tabletless. And I also realize that retrieving my tablet would be like finding a needle in a haystack. I'm sweating. I'm nervous. I can't sleep. Wait a minute, I'm dreaming. I'm actually asleep. Nevermind. Let's just keep that between us. I begin to rack my brain to try to come up with some crafty way to recover my precious when all of a sudden it dawns on me that all I have to do is to go on www.findmytablet.com! And when I do I find my tablet! Just like that! The end of dream #2.
I've been trying to make sense of these two dreams ever since they occurred and so far all I've come up with is that while they're two very different dreams, I'm being confronted with one and the same problem. Although if I were to think of these dreams as two different problems, honestly, I'd think that losing my tablet was the worse of the two! What have I become! Lord, have mercy!