
Fear: Trump in the White House

When the time comes for Hollywood executives and producers to sit down at the round table to discuss bringing Trump in the White House to the big picture a week after he’s gone, they will miss the ball if they go the short-sighted route of a 3 hour long movie. That would truly be an injustice to someone who believes the sun revolves around him. No. It will take several movies or TV series or documentaries to do justice to someone that in such a little time, over three years at the time of this writing, has done so much damage to a country.

After all has been said and ruined in the Trump White House, there will not be a shortage of source material about the four year hiccup that would be the Trump presidency. Screenplays will be begging to be written. And for that very reason, all those knights sitting at their privileged studio round table will do well to use as one of their primary sources this very book, Fear by Bob Woodward.

I picked it up in early February and five days later had finished it mainly because I preferred to listen to it instead of going what in my case amounts to The Way of the Slow Reader. And amigos, this book won’t disappoint you. It “reads” like a movie. It will shock you. It might even make you regret having voted for Trump if that’s your case. Granted, you don’t need to read this book for that type of regret. Trump in real time will do that for you, but if you want an inside look at how the sausage is being made in the Trump WH, make sure you give Woodward’s book a listen or read. Fear: Trump in the White House will accomplish that goal.