Poema para Juan Pablo II/Poem for John Paul II
From the still Spring waters of the Valley
to the Winter laden Mountain tops,
it’s been a long journey, Papa.
You said they called you and so you came.
Did you leave your heart at home?
Did home give you hers?
Or are your heart and home
still yonder
past the Valley and Winter laden slopes?
We pray for you now, Papa.
In this hour of death,
yours and ours, ours and yours
We pray.
And we’d take your hand past them with you
but you’d put your hand over our hearts whispering,
Good bye, Papa.
We see you slowly walking past them.
Would you pray for us in this hour of death?
Good bye, Papa.
We know where you’ll be.
Good bye, Papa.
Rest now from this long journey.
If only for a little while,
good bye.
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