
The True Story of the Birth of Jesus Christ

Were I to introduce a Christmas sermon with this outstanding video, there is no question that I'd be rocking many a Christian's romantic Christmas sensibilities. However, it should be shown in churches all over for several reasons:

1. It's hilarious! The more I see it, the funnier it becomes. Watch it more than once. You'll see what I mean.

2. Someone finally had the creativity, the guts (pun intended) and the knowledge of what births entail to put this together. Granted, the video producer/director took some liberties with the Nativity story in terms of the chronology of events, but this is real in spite of a very comical protrayal. This baby Jesus I can identify with!

3. What is best as far as I'm concerned, the video is theologically solid! The point of Christmas is that God became human. In other words, He became *flesh*. A pretty scandalous Christian claim, mind you. But not only is the Incarnation the Christian claim par excellence, the virgin birth was a bloody mess. Like all births, a beautiful, but bloody mess. I mean, who would have thought of putting the placenta as a character in the Nativity story? A genius probably or a Christian Ob/Gyn with some video making chops! Maybe it was just a mom who's thought about this particular birth for a bit and about what Mary must have felt or gone through. Moms know what it's like.

4. The cast, oh my! The pianist deserves an honorable mention for his enthusiasm! The best outstanding couple, Mary "You did this to me!" and Joseph "No, I didn't. He did!" What's not to like! And my favorite, Melchior "Now we cut the umbilical cord of our Lord and Savior." Said with such charm and naturalness!

Yes, amigos, it's that simple and yet, so extraordinary! It's Christmas. It's the Incarnation. And it's all good 'cause it's all Good News!

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